How to Fix Flat Feet -  Podiatry Foot & Ankle Institute, located in Hackensack and Fort Lee, New Jersey  Podiatrists

Flat feet may cause considerable foot and ankle pain for many people. The often-unconscious alteration in foot placement to avoid arch pain can also cause alignment problems and pain with your knees, hips, and back as well. Untreated flat feet can also lead to more instances of hammertoe and bunion formation, so see your foot doctor for the proper care.


  1. Debilitating pain: In the arch, heel, ankle, and outside edge of the foot.

  2. Overpronation: Rolling your ankle to the outside when you walk and altering your gait.

  3. Shin splints: People with untreated flat feet are more likely to have this problem.

  4. Tired Lower Limbs: Tiredness in your feet and lower legs

Our Podiatrists are experts in flat feet problems. We will perform a comprehensive examination including gait analyis to check for pronation problems. They may also require imaging studies to assess the severity of your flat feet.


  1. Change your activity level:Switch to low impact activities like cycling to help avoid repetitive strain on the arches.

  2. Custom Orthotics: Properly formed and placed arch supports and custom orthotic inserts can relieve flat feet problems and treat many foot and ankle conditions.

  3. Foot Surgery: In rare cases, foot surgery may be necessary.

  4. Medications: You may take OTC medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen in moderation to treat pain and inflammation.

  5. Physical therapy exercises: A variety of exercises can increase strength and flexibility and relieve arch pain and discomfort.

  6. Weight reduction: You can relieve some of the pressure on the arch by losing weight.

If you are suffering from foot and ankle problems from flat feet, see your foot doctor for the proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Call Podiatry Foot & Ankle Institute, located in Hackensack and Fort Lee, New Jersey. With access to advanced technologies Dr. Edward Harris, Dr. Neil Goldberg, Dr. Adam Rozenstrauch and Dr. Yakov Groysman can help you manage all of your foot and ankle ailments, including heel pain, ankle sprains, toe deformities, fungal toenails, and plantar warts. . Please make an appointment today by calling our office or book an online appointment.


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